Pair Programming
Benefits of Pair Programming
- Ability to collaborate and learn from other progammers
- With additional sets of eyes will translate to better QA, testing, and more efficient coding
Steps to Successful Pair Programming
- Understand their definition of being a driver and navigator
- Pair programming is defined being with 2 programmers working together off of the same code
- Navigator is responsible for defining the code being written, checking for syntax error, reseaching new ideas, guding the driver
- Driver is responsible to entering the code, mindful of error, and collaboring on the solution
Pros and Cons of Pair Programming
- Pros
- Great way to quickly bring new programmers up-to-speed
- Even for seasoned programmers, it's a great way to learn other people's best practices and approaches so that they can incorporate into their own style
- Better QA and reduce code error
- Cons
- For seasoned programmers, it reduces their efficiency and productivity because they typically like to work on their own.
- If there are different personalities and learning styles, it can lead to frustration and conflict
My Reflections
- We talked thru the wireframing piece and discussed what we wanted to have on this web page in advance of going thru the Navigator and Driver role playing
- It was a good guided pairing session. We did a good job with both the Navigator and Driver role
- I understood the benefit of pair programmer because while I was driving and coding the web page, my partner helped to identify misspellings and errors
- As a new programmer, I can tell that it will be a great way for me to learn