Favorite Websites Blog
Favorite Website #1: AirBnB
- Why is this one of your favorite sites
AirBnB provides an easy and cheaper way to find accomodations anywhere in the world.
- What area of the site is your eye drawn to when looking at the homepage? Stand back further, what area is your eye drawn to now? Is that area the most important area of the site?
Simple design and search area directly in the middle of the homepage. There is no need to navigate elsewhere and everything can be done directly from the homepage.
- How would you describe the website visually? List 5 adjectives. (i.e. "pretty", "elegant", "simple", "dark", "cluttered", "basic" etc)?
5 adjectives that describe AirBnB are: simple, intuitive, happy, visual, and informative.
- What problem does this website solve? What content does it have?
AirBnB solves the issue of supply and demand of available accomodations with people looking for places to stay. AirBnB has great inventory in most locations.
- What 5 adjectives would you use to describe the content, focus, and purpose of the site?
5 adjectives that describe AirBnB are: informative, visual, detailed, safe, transparency.
- How easy is it to find what you are looking for from the homepage? How about from another page?
Homepage provides easy and quick access to search for accommodations
- How easy is it to browse through all the content of the site?
Very easy to navigate the website and find the appropriate content from homepage and toolbar.
- How do you feel after being on the site for a while?
I feel that I can find what I need at a good price.
- Does the site sell anything? If so, have you purchased any of it? Why or why not?
AirBnB provides the consumer the ability to book/rent available accomodations from other people. It's a substitute for hotel stays.
Favorite Website #2: Uber
- Why is this one of your favorite sites
Uber provides quick door-to-door transportation with minimal waiting.
- What area of the site is your eye drawn to when looking at the homepage? Stand back further, what area is your eye drawn to now? Is that area the most important area of the site?
Instant access and location of the number of cars within your area. You have real-time access of where your driver is located.
- How would you describe the website visually? List 5 adjectives. (i.e. "pretty", "elegant", "simple", "dark", "cluttered", "basic" etc)?
5 adjectives that describe Uber are: simple, real-time, responsive, informative, and quick.
- What problem does this website solve? What content does it have?
Uber provides an alternative to taxi and other types of transportation.
- What 5 adjectives would you use to describe the content, focus, and purpose of the site?
5 adjectives that describe Uber are: informative, visual, responsive, safe, transparency.
- How easy is it to find what you are looking for from the homepage? How about from another page?
Uber app provides a 1 step process to book an Uber ride.
- How easy is it to browse through all the content of the site?
Very easy to navigate the app.
- How do you feel after being on the site for a while?
instant gratification
- Does the site sell anything? If so, have you purchased any of it? Why or why not?
Uber sells a service.
Favorite Website #3: Yelp
- Why is this one of your favorite sites
Yelp provides quick and reliable suggestions near vicinity.
- What area of the site is your eye drawn to when looking at the homepage? Stand back further, what area is your eye drawn to now? Is that area the most important area of the site?
Homepage provides top and new recommendations that interest me.
- How would you describe the website visually? List 5 adjectives. (i.e. "pretty", "elegant", "simple", "dark", "cluttered", "basic" etc)?
5 adjectives that describe Yelp are: visual, relevant, intuitive, fun, and informative.
- What problem does this website solve? What content does it have?
Yelp provides an easy way to get recommendations from other people of local services.
- What 5 adjectives would you use to describe the content, focus, and purpose of the site?
5 adjectives that describe Yelp are: informative, visual, relevant, accurate, and trust worthy.
- How easy is it to find what you are looking for from the homepage? How about from another page?
Yelp provides an easy way to search for the service that you are looking.
- How easy is it to browse through all the content of the site?
Very easy to navigate the website and mobile app.
- How do you feel after being on the site for a while?
- Does the site sell anything? If so, have you purchased any of it? Why or why not?
Yelp doesn't sell anything.